Bryant R. Camareno, P.A. Attorney at Law

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Asset Forfeiture

As a former federal prosecutor, Bryant R. Camareno was a member of a unique team of prosecuting attorneys that specialized in identifying and seizing real property throughout the United States, vehicles, boats and planes, as well as hundreds of millions of dollars.

Prosecuting forfeiture cases in a federal arena is a specialized area and requires extensive knowledge of the subject matter.  Mr. Camareno spent four years studying and learning the federal rules as well as the admiralty rules that govern federal forfeiture.  He has also had extensive training on the Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform Act as well as the forfeiture provisions of the PATRIOT ACT that changed the way the Government can now seize your personal assets.

With this experience he has the knowledge and insight to defend these complicated seizures both at the State and Federal level.

‡ Free Initial Consultation ‡ Confidential ‡ All major credit cards accepted ‡ Payment Plans Available ‡

Feel free to contact Mr. Camareno
Office, (813) 234-4759, fax (813) 234-2405. 
607-A W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Tampa, Florida 33603. 
Cell number (813) 727-5461 e-mail

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