Bryant R. Camareno, P.A. Attorney at Law

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Mr. Camareno was a former prosecutor for the Pinellas/Pasco State Attorney’s Office and personally handled thousands of DUI cases.  Now, as a defense attorney he has handled and defended thousands of DUI cases.  As a prosecutor he learned the steps taken to accuse a person of DUI but has taken those same steps to try to attack those charges.

He is familiar with the steps needed to render the breathalyzer effective and can determine if those steps were taken to try to invalidate the results.

He carefully examines for any Constitutional Law violations.  For example, he examines if the police violated your FOURTH AMENDMENT right to protection from unreasonable searches and seizures; did the police violate your right to privacy; did the police seize evidence such as your breath results illegally.

In addition, Mr. Camareno examines whether or not the police violated your FIFTH AMENDMENT right to remain silent; did the police ask you questions without advising you of your very important rights to an attorney before and during any interrogation.

‡ Free Initial Consultation ‡ Confidential ‡ All major credit cards accepted ‡ Payment Plans Available ‡

Feel free to contact Mr. Camareno
Office, (813) 234-4759, fax (813) 234-2405. 
607-A W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Tampa, Florida 33603. 
Cell number (813) 727-5461 e-mail

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