Bryant R. Camareno, P.A. Attorney at Law

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Personal Injury

The Law Firm of Bryant R. Camareno is pleased to announce that it's now extending its services to assisting victims of auto accidents. Our priority is to make sure that our clients are properly compensated for the injustice that has befallen them. If you have been injured due to the negligence of others, you need an advocate that can fight for you and make sure that you get the proper restitution. Do not let a situation caused by the mistakes of others hurt you for the rest of your life. We are proud to take on even the toughest opponents to do our clients justice.

‡ Free Initial Consultation ‡ Confidential ‡ All major credit cards accepted ‡ Payment Plans Available ‡

Feel free to contact Mr. Camareno
Office, (813) 234-4759, fax (813) 234-2405. 
607-A W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Tampa, Florida 33603. 
Cell number (813) 727-5461 e-mail

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DUI | DWLSR | Domestic Violence | Community Service | Juvenile Crimes | Violations of Probation

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