Bryant R. Camareno, P.A. Attorney at Law

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Attorney Bryant R. Camareno has defended several high profile cases and as a result he has been interviewed by and appeared on local, national and international news sources, such as Inside Edition, the Jane Velez Mitchell Show, Good Morning America, Telemundo and Fuji TV.

In addition, he has been a frequent guest on local television stations giving legal commentary on other high profile cases.

‡ Free Initial Consultation ‡ Confidential ‡ All major credit cards accepted ‡ Payment Plans Available ‡

Feel free to contact Mr. Camareno
Office, (813) 234-4759, fax (813) 234-2405. 
607-A W. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd., Tampa, Florida 33603. 
Cell number (813) 727-5461 e-mail

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